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A Pocket Guide to Reconciliation with God, by John A. Kane. Our Lord instituted the Sacrament of Penance for the forgiveness of our sins and for our reconciliation with Him. But a good confession brings us more ...
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— Dónal Ó Cuilleanáin This short Catholic Confession guide, written by Fr. Donal O. Cuilleanian, can help you transform your Confessions from empty or embarrassing routines into genuine occasions of divine ...
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by Michael Dubruiel. This pocket guide serves as an aid for those who: confess regularly, are becoming Catholic, are making their first Confession, have been away from this sacrament for some time or are waiting ...
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— Fr. Thomas Berg and Dr. Timothy Lock To say that offering forgiveness is a challenge is an understatement. Forgiveness is tough! Forgiveness is often messy. Forgiveness doesn’t feel good to most of us. And ...
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Vinny Flynn presents this book that reveals seven key 'secrets' or hidden truths about the great spiritual beauty, power and depth of Confession. The understanding that many Catholics have of the Sacrament of ...
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by Dr. Scott Hahn. An illuminating and reassuring explanation of the Church's teachings on penance, forgiveness and the Sacrament of Reconciliation - and why it is the key to spiritual growth. Drawn from the ...
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— Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. and Sean Brown Confession, penance, reconciliation. The ancient sacrament of penance is called many names but has one purpose, the forgiveness of sins. Many Catholics and other ...
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Edited by Beatriz B. Brillantes, this book is fully illustrated and easy reading for a child. It explains the meaning of sin, Confession, and penance and tells how to properly prepare oneself for Confession. ...
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Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen brilliantly examines the vast differences between the benefits of psychotherapy and true confession that leads to conversion. While one may help the patient gain some peace of mind, the ...