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— José Carlos González-Hurtado This is the book you need to challenge atheists and agnostics to defend their ideologies logically and rationally and to fortify your own beliefs. In this distinctive book, ...
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HOW TO EXPLAIN AND DEFEND CATHOLIC TEACHING USING COMMON SENSE, SIMPLE LOGIC, AND THE BIBLE —John Martignoni With foreword by Teresa Tomeo Most of us know what we believe as Catholics, but often we are ...
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Is it Christian or New Age? Susan Brinkmann, OCDS The Learn to Discern Compendium is a compilation of years of research by award-winning journalist Susan Brinkmann exploring one of the most dangerous cultural and ...
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A MYTHBUSTING APOLOGIST SETS THE RECORD STRAIGHT –Dr. Gerard Verschuuren Tired of being stumped when false claims are made about the Catholic Church? Want to be armed with knowledge that puts these mistruths to ...
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— John Martignoni — Foreword by Johnnette Benkovic Williams HOW TO EXPLAIN AND DEFEND CATHOLIC TEACHING USING COMMON SENSE, SIMPLE LOGIC, AND THE BIBLE Popular author and TV and radio host John ...
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— Fr. Ken Geraci, CPM Adapted from the preached Parish Mission given by Fr. Ken Geraci. This book will address the subjects of: What did Jesus Do? Why do we do that as Catholics? Two obstacles to healing, ...
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— Stacy A. Trasancos How can Catholics explain what the Church teaches about the relationship between science and faith? Scientist, writer, and scholar Stacy Trasancos gives us ways we can talk about how ...
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Whether about morality or matters of doctrine, hundreds of questions a year are posed to the average priest, with vast spiritual significance hinging on each answer — conversions and reconversions, children’s ...
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— Patrick Madrid This book helps you to know exactly what Scripture means and helps you make sure that your interpretation is accurate. It can also help you answer questions for non-Catholics. With ...
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by G.K. Chesterton. Among his many works, Orthodoxy stands out as the most scintillating synthesis of Chesterton's philosophy and deeply religious faith. In his inimitable, soaring prose, he tells of his ...
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— Gary Michuta Hundreds of books have been written to vindicate the Gospels by noting that they were written closer to the events they record than any other ancient history. But how do we know that they ...
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In this this very practical 'mission manual' Dr. Hahn equips you with: A guide to understanding what the New Evangelization is, and who it is really for A roadmap that leads you to where it all happens (hint: it ...
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— Anthony E. Clark The recent tide of books comparing Christianity and Buddhism has centered mostly on similarities. The Dalai Lama, for example, provided his opinions on Christianity in a popular book, The ...
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STORIES OF CONVERSION AND WITNESS This book begins with the inspiring story of Steve Dawson and his dramatic conversion to Catholicism as a young man that led to his founding of St. Paul Street Evangelization, an ...
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— Fr. Carter Griffin While social norms and political movements are rapidly changing, the truth of the Catholic faith stands firm. With this book, readers are equipped to address even the most sensitive ...
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-FX Cronin When author F. X. Cronin became a Catholic, many of his friends challenged him, claiming not only that the Catholic Faith is untrue but also that truth itself does not exist. In this warm response to ...
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UNMASKING THE RELIGION OF THOSE WHO SAY THERE IS NO GOD by bestselling author Anthony DeStefano. This is a witty and devastating takedown of the 'new' atheist position that debunks the theories of Richard Dawkins, ...
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YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED –Monsignor Charles Pope Do you ever feel confused, befuddled, or just plain lost when it comes to the Catholic Faith? Do the teachings and practices of the Church leave you scratching your ...
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Jimmy Akin shows how the Bible cannot exist apart from the Church. In its origins and its formulation, in the truths it contains, in its careful preservation over the centuries and in the prayerful study and ...
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— John Henry Newman John Henry Newman, one of the towering figures of the early Victorian Church of England, caused shock and outrage in equal measure when he announced his espousal of Roman Catholicism in ...