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— Paul Badde A unique glimpse into the drama of Pope Benedict's pontificate. In addition to highlighting the various historical accomplishments of Benedict XVI, Badde also chronicles the almost superhuman ...
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Purchase this EWTN Publishing book and DVD set together and SAVE 40%. BENEDICT UP CLOSE, THE INSIDE STORY OF EIGHT DRAMATIC YEARS by author Paul Badde (Regular Price - $16) and THE ELECTION OF POPE BENEDICT XVI ...
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— Fr. John Horgan Father Horgan unveils the surprising role of the angels in our lives - and what you must do to gain their help. You will learn how to imitate the angels in prayer and how they offer you the ...
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This book contains a collection of the spiritual thoughts and reflections of Fr. Leo Clifford, O.F.M. For many years Fr. Leo has been seen regularly on EWTN sharing his wisdom and insight on nearly every aspect ...
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Straightforward Solutions to Life's Puzzling Problems. This NEW EDITION of Mother Angelica's profoundly practical, humorous, and commonsense answers to life's most vexing questions includes a special foreword by ...
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In this volume, Mother Angelica shares her personal reflections and saintly insight on the Sacraments. Mother lived her life in Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and her writings, inspired by the Holy ...
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This third installment in the collection of Mother Angelica's writings provides the consolation and advice that only a true spiritual mother can give. It will help you understand the purpose of suffering; how it ...
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Mother Angelica revolutionized Catholic Media and popularized the universal call to holiness. Here is the essence of Mother's thought, presented in ways only she can. It's Mother Angelica at her best – teacher ...
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As Mother Angelica spent time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, she would write down insights that she was given on the life of Jesus and His Immaculate Mother. Those insights have now been collected in ...
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Father Andrew Apostoli, Franciscan Friar of the Renewal, reflects on each of the many questions Jesus asked in the Gospels. His insight and wisdom will guide you to a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and what ...
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A Saint Goes Marching On He seemed to have it all – a beautiful family, a big house, and the celebrity that comes with being a star player in the NFL. In the late '60s and early '70s, Danny Abramowicz was the ...
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— Johnnette Benkovic This handy meditation book is designed as a day-by-day spiritual resource; it features 365 quotes especially selected by Johnnette along with a short meditation to enrich your mind, lift ...
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Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. presents a blueprint for Christian Living and the keys to unlocking a treasure trove of practical advice on how to live a holy life. Fr. Mitch explains in a succinct and readable way how ...
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— Dr. Benjamin Wiker Dr. Wiker invites you to interact not just with the ideas that have shaped history, but with the people who created those ideas. In this collection of lively and imaginative conversation ...
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A HISTORY OF CATHOLICISM IN THE THIRTEEN COLONIES - Fr. Charles Connor It's easy to think that American Catholic history began with the first American archbishop (John Carroll) or the first born-in-America saint ...
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— Foreword by Marcus Grodi This collection of testimonies by former atheists who've found new life in the Catholic Church is one of the most potent weapons for the Faith ever crafted! These authors don't ...
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There is one commonality among every saint: they all have a deep faith in God that was lived out in their daily lives. Drawing on his West African roots and his many years of pastoral ministry, Fr. Maurice Emelu ...
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A CATECHETICAL GUIDE TO DEATH, JUDGMENT, HEAVEN, AND HELL. God has not called us to His wrath, but to salvation. Only by rightly understanding the 'Four Last Things' are we sure to think straight when life's ...
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THE CONTEMPLATIVE ROSARY WITH ST. JOHN PAUL II AND ST. TERESA OF AVILA. As authors Dan Burke (founder of the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation,) and Connie Rossini (Carmelite spirituality writer, home-school ...
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Mother Angelica, the celebrated foundress of the EWTN Global Catholic Network, dedicated her life to directing the gaze of viewers to heaven. This volume brings together, for the very first time, Mother’s timeless ...