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This ancient set of prayers honors St. Michael and the nine Choirs of Angels. St. Michael promised that those who practice this devotion would have, when approaching Holy Communion, an escort of nine angels chosen ...
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Recorded live at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama, this program features the Poor Clare Nuns of Perpetual Adoration as they usher in the joyful season of Christmas with traditional ...
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Praying the rosary we enter into intimate communion with Mary, the Mother of God. Now pray this powerful prayer with Jesuit Scripture scholar Father Mitch Pacwa. In the 'Holy Land Rosary', he leads the Joyful, ...
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A unique recitation of this great prayer of the Church, with an international flavor. People from all around the world recite the decades of the Rosary, or what Saint John Paull II called, 'the school of Mary.' ...
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This audio CD set includes the following homilies and talks given during a retreat given by Fr. Wade Menezes, CPM. The topics include: Talk 1: Be Faithful to Daily Duty; Talk 2: Be Other-Centered; Talk 3: ...
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In his Apostolic Letter on the Rosary, 'Rosarium Virginis Mariae', Saint Pope John Paul II said, 'With the Rosary, the Christian people sits at the school of Mary and is led to contemplate the beauty on the face ...
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In this series on the happiness and holiness that Catholic families can - and - should attain, Fr. Wade Menezes discusses topics such as: the nature, meaning and purpose of marriage; the Ten Commandments of a ...
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Jason and Crystalina Evert bring you life as it is meant to be lived: in the glorious freedom of purity. These dynamic chastity speakers know how difficult it is for today's teens to live virtuous and pure lives ...
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Convert Bob Fishman traces the Faith from Judaism's beginnings to its fulfillment in the Holy Catholic Church. A lively EWTN mini-series on our Christian heritage, and our indebtedness to our Elder Brothers in the ...
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Catholic Apologist Rosalind Moss continues her study of St. Luke's Gospel in this CD set from EWTN Home Video. Dispensing with a strickly informational approach she illuminates the Gospel with a treasury of ...
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The glorious event of our salvation finds its roots in the fascinating world of Judaism. In this program, Catholic apologist Rosalind Moss uses her knowledge of ancient and contemporary Jewish culture to provide ...
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From the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, AL, the Very Rev. William P. Casey, C.P.M. delivers old-time religion wrapped in Catholicism's timeless tenets. His messages on sin, reconciliation and ...
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Contemporary times have seen a continued and sustained attack against the traditional family. On this EWTN Home Video CD series, Dr. Jospeh Atkinson of the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family ...
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Fr. Robert Levis and Fr. John Trigilio pack a powerful one, two punch, as they fire up their computers to answer viewer emails in this engaging series. Fr. Levis is the founding director of Graduate Catechetical ...