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– Written by Raymond Arroyo — Illustrated by Diane Le Feyer Finally, the True, Untold Story of the Wise Men… They were not three kings. Nor were they from the Far East, or even Persia… In this ...
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— Written by Anthony DeStefano — Illustrations by Mark Elliott A king is about to be born and the stars in the heavens compete to see which of them will announce His birth. When they see the poor ...
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Author Jeanne Pieper presents the beautiful and true story of how St. Nicholas was transformed into the legend of Santa Claus in this touching tale. With a lovely introduction by Pat Boone this book will help ...
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This Novena is translated from the Italian prayers of Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori and was first published in 1758. Although this novena is intended primarily as a preparation for the feast of Our Lord's ...
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Rev. Mother M. Angelica discusses Heaven in this new compilation book from EWTN Publishing. Based on the TV series, 'HEAVEN - Classic Talks by Mother Angelica', where Mother answers such questions as: Is Heaven a ...
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THE MILLENNIA COLLECTION — Ronald M. Clancy A richly illustrated hardcover book of timeless art from world class museums. Ronald Clancy offers historic perspective on the development of carols since the 13th ...
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Anthony DeStefano tells the story of Roxy the camel who LOVES her things - her jewels, big mansion, and the fancy food her butler serves but she hates living in the hot and dusty desert. One day Roxy packs up her ...
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Join your friendly guides Fulton and Cynthia on a biblical adventure as they journey from creation to salvation and discover the importance of God's sanctifying grace. Set in a vivid comic-book format with ...