Product Description
Spread the Lenten message of repentance in dust and ashes with "The Original AshTag". This t-shirt features an image similar to the typical ashes Catholics receive on Ash Wednesday on their forehead, but with a bit of a twist!
The back of the shirt reads:
"Remember, you are dust
and to dust you shall return.
#Lent #AshWednesday #Repentance"
Although originally designed as a meditation for the Lenten Season, this is also an appropriate reminder for the month of November and particularly the 2nd day of November, which is dedicated to the Holy Souls in Purgatory. It is a time when we remember in a special way, all those who, though “assured of their eternal salvation” may still need to “undergo purification” that makes possible “the holiness necessary to enter the joy of Heaven” —
Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 1030.Shirt is made of 50% pre-shrunk cotton and 50% polyester.Slight color variation may occur.