Product Description
Created especially for the 2025 Jubilee Year by premiere Italian rosary maker, Ghirelli, this remarkable rosary features the 16 panels on the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica. The 16 panels portray scenes of man’s sin and his redemption through God’s Mercy. The smooth round beads are 8mm Aulite stone — white with grey veins; and slightly smaller dark gray hematite beads with a satin finish. The gold-plated panels are featured on the Cross, the Centerpiece and for the Our Father ‘beads’.
Panels of the Holy Door:
- The Angel at the Gates of Paradise
- The Fall
- Mary – The Annunciation
- The angel of the Annunciation
- Christ’s Baptism in the Jordan
- The Lost Sheep
- The Merciful Father
- The Cure of a Paralytic
- The Woman who was a Sinner
- The Need for Forgiveness
- Peter’s Denial
- In Front of the Crucifix – the Good Thief
- The Appearance to Thomas
- Christ’s Appearance to the Disciples
- The Conversion of Saul
- Opening the Holy Door
The last door on the right is the "Holy Door". This door is bricked up on the inside. On the first day of the Holy Year the Pope strikes the brick wall with a hammer, and so opens the door to let in the pilgrims who come to make the most of the indulgence. It will be closed by the Pope himself at the end of the Holy Year. The Holy Door represents Jesus, the Good Shepherd and the gate of the sheep pen: "I am the gate. Whoever enters through me, will be safe. He will go in and out, and find pasture" (Jn 10:9).