Product Description
This beautiful Rosary in honor of Saint Joseph is an exclusive creation by Ghirelli that strives to bring all hearts to love the Church and its great patron.
Made with 6mm gunmetal gray polished hematite beads for the Hail Mary beads and 6mm Italian Olive Wood for the Our Father beads (symbolizing Joseph, the Carpenter/Worker). The crucifix and centerpiece have an antiqued silver finish.
- THE CRUCIFIX: “TU ES PETRUS” – This component is a design reproduction of Perugino’s painting “The Delivery of the Keys” from The Sistine Chapel, Vatican. On the reverse side of the Crucifix it reads: “Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam” - “You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church” (Mt. 16:18)
- THE CENTERPIECE: “NON PREVALAEBUNT” – The scene depicted on this component shows St. Michael placing St. Peter’s Basilica, which represents the heart of the Church, under the protection of blessed St. Joseph, with an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church in the background. On the reverse side of the Centerpiece it reads: “Non Prevalaebunt” - …and the gates of the netherworld shall “not prevail against it” (Mt. 16:18)
Measures approximately 21" when laid flat.Exclusive EWTN Design.