Product Description
These are not chatty and trivial, but deadly serious writings on a host of subjects by a Saint whose ardor of expression has probably never been surpassed in print! Our Lord told St. Margaret Mary that there were three hearts in perfect harmony: His own, St. Claude de la Colombiere’s and that of St. Margaret Mary herself (1647-1690), whom He chose to be the Apostle of devotion to His Sacred Heart — a devotion which has shaped the Church’s piety for over three centuries.
In these LETTERS St. Margaret Mary reveals the holy ardor of her own heart, which is almost unbelievable, especially when one realizes that what she writes is literally true and no pious exaggeration. Saint Margaret Mary provides a most perfect example of that mysterious, mystical connection between suffering and Divine Love which all the Saints confirm. In fact, as Fr. Doyle explains in his excellent Introduction, these are the keys to understanding St. Margaret Mary: She was driven by a burning thirst for the Cross, by a desire to be unknown and by an eagerness for pure love — for totality in loving God. Her only happiness consisted in suffering for love of Him. She even wrote: “The love of my God is a pitiless tyrant who never says ‘Enough’.”
In addition to revealing the fact of her own burning heart, Saint Margaret Mary also writes of souls she saw in Purgatory, of Our Lord’s wishes for the King of France, His promises to those who spread devotion to His Sacred Heart, the workings of Divine Justice and of Divine Love, reparation to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and how Our Lord deals with souls who give themselves to Him. Thus, The Letters of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque is a treasury which reveals the hidden depths of Christ’s love and His desire to enflame souls with the same Divine Love. This book contains the best and most powerful writings on the Sacred Heart devotion that we have ever seen.
Paperback. 285 pages.