Product Description
Fr. Cedric Pisegna, presents six programs on 1 DVD
Suffering is the human condition. We are all familiar with aches and pains as well as emotional, relational and even mental distress. While we all have to experience pain in a variety of ways, we can cope with our difficulties knowing they have meaning. God uses our sufferings in order to help us. As we face our difficulties while relying on God, we can be transformed. We will discover a God who cares and through trials be mystically united to Jesus. Don’t waste your suffering, learn from it and allow your pain to bring you to a whole new place.
Includes the following episodes:
- Light out of Darkness: Darkness is the incubator of something new. The hard and difficult times of our life can actually turn out for good. The night is darkest right before the dawn.
- A Different Spirit: Caleb was brave and faced his challenges believing in God. He ended up inheriting the Promised Land. As you face life with a “Can Do!” attitude you will see the impossible becoming possible.
- God Cares for You: Everyone goes through storms in life. No one is exempt. Jesus, Emmanuel, is with us in the journey, the pilgrimage of life. Because He cares for us, we can cast our cares on Him and He will take care of us.
- All Things Work to Good: No matter the difficulty, trial, or adversity, God is a work and will somehow, someway make it work out for good!
- From Superficial to Supernatural: Suffering has meaning and purpose. We were meant to rely upon God and not ourselves. As we grow our roots deep and strong in God we will experience a supernatural strength we’ve never known.
- Grow Older: Getting older is mandatory, Growing older is optional. Believers in Jesus Christ have purpose: Intimacy with God, personal growth, serving and impacting others. Get time on your side: Grow, change, mature and become.