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— Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J. 'Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.' — Saint Jerome In Fr. Mitch's new book, Commentary on the Book of Isaiah , the prolific Scripture scholar unpacks the ...
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— Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. On the road to Damascus, St. Paul was transformed from one of the most zealous persecutors of Christians into one of the greatest apostles in history. Like all of us, he experienced ...
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Restoring the Moral Vision of a Scandalized Church --Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. While most Catholic priests are devout men who have sincerely committed their lives to Christ and His Church, they are also human beings ...
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The Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity, remains a mystery for many of us. We 'adore and glorify' the Spirit with the Father and the Son, but do we really understand the power or the actions of the ...
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The Holy Eucharist is called the 'source and summit' of our Catholic faith. But do we really understand Its true meaning? Fr. Mitch Pacwa shows us the connection between the Eucharist and the Scriptures, and with ...
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How do we listen to God speak to our hearts, minds, and wills-especially above the noise and stress of the modern world? What is the process of discerning God's will? Best-selling author and popular EWTN host Fr. ...
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Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. presents a blueprint for Christian Living and the keys to unlocking a treasure trove of practical advice on how to live a holy life. Fr. Mitch explains in a succinct and readable way how ...
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Fr. Mitch Pacwa looks at Old and New Testament texts that are relevant to the Marian doctrine in this latest of his popular Bible Studies for Catholic. Father speaks often of his devotion to the Blessed Mother - ...
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Fr. Mitch Pacwa has a God-given talent for taking vast topics like faith, honing in on the things that will truly make a difference in our lives, and presenting these truths in an accessible way. Father Mitch's ...
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Written by Vinny Flynn with an introduction by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. Deeply based on the Scriptures, the writings of the Saints, and the teachings of our two most recent Popes, this profound and remarkably ...
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Hope Filled Lessons From the Bible by, Fr. Mitch Pacwa. What is sin, why did it happen, and how can we overcome it? Father Mitch uses his extensive knowledge of the Scriptures to take us on a tour of the Bible to ...
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Fr. Mitch Pacwa has a gift for opening up the Scriptures, and he shares this gift in his book of meditations on the beginnings of Jesus' public ministry. Based on Ignatian principles, the 39 meditations are meant ...
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— Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. and Sean Brown Confession, penance, reconciliation. The ancient sacrament of penance is called many names but has one purpose, the forgiveness of sins. Many Catholics and other ...
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This Bible study on salvation by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. presents a wide variety of key teachings about salvation in the New Testament, with references to the Old. It offers various passages for meditation on the ...
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From His healing of the paralytic to the raising of the widow's son, Jesus' miracles in Galilee astounded the crowds and made Him a target of persecution among the Pharisees. Using his gift to open up the ...
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Fr. Mitch Pacwa leads us to a deeper understanding of mercy through the study of Israel's long, slow struggle to experience mercy. By looking carefully at their experience of turning away and returning to God, we ...