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This comprehensive guide makes it easy for any faithful Catholic to lead an effective study of the Journey Through Scripture video series Genesis to Jesus, whether at home or in the parish. Walking leaders ...
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— Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, STD Have you been moved to pick up the Bible but found it hard to navigate? Have you tried reading the Bible but found it overwhelming? Maybe you’re familiar with the Bible but still ...
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This workbook allows students to engage the Catholic Faith through compelling and meaningful exercises. Using combinations of multiple choice, fill in the blank, and short answer questions, students recall and ...
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AN INTRODUCTION TO THE CREEDS -Stephen K. Ray and R. Dennis Walters Like most things we take for granted, the Catholic Creeds have an amazing story—actually a lot of stories. What seems a simple prayer ...
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Filled with visually stunning masterpieces, this guide also contains all the material found in the Participant Workbook : review notes, lesson objectives, review and discussion questions, additional references, ...
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View similar bundles or See entire product lineJoin Brother Francis and his friends as they embark on an adventure to explore the many rich aspects of our faith through Adventure Catechism! Save over $3.00 when you purchase each volume as a set. Set ...
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View similar bundles or See entire product lineJoin Brother Francis and his friends as they embark on an adventure to explore the many rich aspects of our faith through Adventure Catechism! Save over $3.00 when you purchase each volume as a set. Set ...
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This workbook will serve as your companion for the entire Journey Through Scripture video series Genesis to Jesus , helping you better retain what you’ve learned so that it can more easily be applied to your daily ...
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A 10-Day Personal Retreat with St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion to Mary --Fr. Edward Looney Considered by many to be the greatest book of Marian spirituality in one volume, True Devotion to Mary is St. Louis ...
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Based on the Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, this book leads readers through a penetrating study using the biblical text, and the Church's guidelines for studying the Bible. Ample notes accompany each ...
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— Fr. Ken Bake This book is a popular introduction to each of the 73 books of the Bible, designed to help the reader grow in the knowledge and love of God's Word. The book is directed both toward those who ...
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— Maria V. Gallagher Amid life's daily struggles, one can find true joy in encountering and loving the Blessed Mother and, in turn, encountering and loving her Son. We can relate to Mary as not only mother ...
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This little book is filled with information about St. Anthony, devotions, prayers, and novenas. It includes many quotes from the saint as well as quotes about the saint from others. It contains everything we need ...
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— Donald J. Johnson “There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other scriptures.” — 2 Peter 3:16 Martin Luther and ...
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SIMPLE STEPS FOR BECOMING A WOMAN OF PRAYER -Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet “I feel silly trying to make up prayers myself.” “My mind starts to wander as I am speaking to God.” “I ...
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A Practical and Illuminating Guide to Each Book in the Bible, by Peter Kreeft. Christians are often overwhelmed by the size and complexity of the Bible. To help make Scripture more understandable, Kreeft focuses ...
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Intercessory prayer for the needs of others comes easily to many of us. But sometimes we wonder why our prayers are not more effective. Does God hear us? Does he care? Does he want to help? Why do our prayers seem ...
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— Gary Zimak “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) It’s easy to see the work of God’s hands when things are going ...
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Marge Fenelon knows the pain, fear, hopelessness, insecurity, resentment and anger of being raised by a troubled mother. She also knows the way out: Mary. In this book, Marge deftly explores the ways the Blessed ...
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— Karl A. Schultz Karl A. Schultz presents four simple steps to help the reader grow in confidence with using the Bible. This handy guide to the Bible helps the reader to select a Bible, develop a reading ...