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The official commemorative coffee table book from the National Eucharistic Congress and EWTN Publishing, this beautiful compilation of images and personal testimonies captures the outpouring of graces and love for ...
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Inspired by the Liturgy of the Hours, Magnificat is a monthly publication designed for daily use, encouraging both liturgical and personal prayer. In a convenient, pocket-sized format, Magnificat offers Prayers ...
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This is The Catalogue of the Vatican International Exhibition of The Eucharistic Miracles of the World , of which Bl. Carlo Acutis first had the idea of producing the exhibition and helped to realize its ...
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7th Edition First Published over 15 years ago, the Daily Roman Missal is an essential resource for anyone who wants to grow closer to the Eucharist. This new Seventh Edition includes the responses and liturgical ...
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7th Edition First Published over 15 years ago, the Daily Roman Missal is an essential resource for anyone who wants to grow closer to the Eucharist. This new Seventh Edition includes the responses and liturgical ...
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Inspired by the Liturgy of the Hours, Magnificat is a monthly publication designed for daily use, encouraging both liturgical and personal prayer. In a convenient pocket-sized, large print format, Magnificat ...
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— Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J. This is currently the only volume that comprehensively presents the scientific evidence in support of Jesus, the Eucharist, and Mary. Father Robert Spitzer, S.J., closely examines ...
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Providing large type for easy reading, this complete and permanent Saint Joseph Sunday Missal is a comprehensive, all-inclusive Missal that has everything necessary to participate fully in each Sunday, Vigil, and ...
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— Fr. Donald H. Calloway, MIC Several popes have referred to St. Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868) as 'the Apostle of the Eucharist.' Nonetheless, he is not that well known in the universal Church. When it ...
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— Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke with commentary by Thomas McKenna His Eminence Cardinal Burke unpacks in a clear, concise way the history and significance of the Catholic Church’s long-held teaching regarding ...
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— Heidi Hess Saxton Throughout the Church's history, holy men and women have found that one of the best and most reliable ways to get close to Jesus is through the Eucharist. By reading and sharing their ...
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— Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB In this game-changing book, Fr. Boniface Hicks, O.S.B., reveals how you can actively listen and open yourself to receive God’s personal love for you in the Mass, where our Lord ...
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“I Live Because of the Eucharist.” – Mother Angelica With Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the forefront of her vocation, Mother Angelica treasured her beloved Spouse in the Eucharist. She brought Him her ...
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Complete Edition in Accordance with the Roman Missal The single volume Sunday Missal Complete Edition. Containing all of the official Mass prayers for Sundays and Holy Days now in use throughout America, it also ...
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Lent is a time to refocus our hearts and revive our love of the Lord and one another. This is a handy Companion for use during the Forty Days of Lent including the Triduum (Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday). It ...
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This Perpetual Saint Joseph Weekday Missal, Volume 1, offers all the Weekday Masses with all their options and prayers from Advent to Pentecost in accordance with the Roman Missal. This edition is printed with ...
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This Perpetual Saint Joseph Weekday Missal, Volume 2, offers all the Weekday Masses with all their options and prayers from Pentecost to Advent in accordance with the Roman Missal. This edition is printed with ...
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Also called, 'Melody Edition'. The Adoremus Hymnal, first published in 1997, has been revised to incorporate the new English translation of the Mass. This new edition also includes new musical settings of the ...
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Also called, 'Standard Edition'. The Adoremus Hymnal, first published in 1997, has been revised to incorporate the new English translation of the Mass. This new edition also includes new musical settings of the ...
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The Holy Eucharist is called the 'source and summit' of our Catholic faith. But do we really understand Its true meaning? Fr. Mitch Pacwa shows us the connection between the Eucharist and the Scriptures, and with ...